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How to Eat Healthy Fast Food

There is a way to eat healthy, maintain and even lose weight while frequentlng your favorite drive-thru or sandwich shop. Learning how to do this is easy if you know what to look for and be willing to take control of how your food is prepared.

There are a few websites on the web that contain nutritional information about every food and condiment known to man at just about all of the major and/or well known fast food chains of our great nation. I have spent countless hours on these retrieving the best choices for my fitness clients who travel for a living and cannot cook, much less shop for groceries. The easiest sites to maneuver are: and
Simply choose your fast food restaurant and then the foods you like to eat. A healthy choice is anything that is 250-350 calories with fat at around 10 grams or under. Keep in mind that fast food is not normally considered a low fat food, and doing so is difficult, but doable. The easiest thing to go for is a grilled chicken breast with a plain salad of greens and veggies. Skip dressings or go for a low cal vinegrette and use sparingly. Turkey and veggies on whole wheat bread is a great healthy sandwich choice, (skip the mayo of course).
There are ways to alter your favorite food quickie choices by substituting cheese, creamy sauce, and fatty dressings and condiments by opting instead for lemon wedges, fat free dressing (sparingly), and marinara or hot sauces, as well as salsa. These things will add flavor without added fat and calories.
Helpful tips to remember:

  • sodium content can be extremely high, so avoid anything containing more than 600 milligrams
  • drink more water throughout the day to flush toxins away
  • avoid soda altogether, it will only slow you down
  • make a written list of choices as a reference to keep handy when using the drive thru
  • I hope you find this useful.